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Does Prop. 47 reduce my prior felony conviction to a misdemeanor?

On November 4, 2014, California voters passed Proposition 47, which reduces certain felonies (mostly drug offenses) to misdemeanors. Not only does this affect those currently facing charges, but it is also retroactive, meaning that if you have ever been convicted of one of the felonies named in Prop. 47, you can have the conviction reduced to a misdemeanor, even if the conviction was the result of a plea bargain. However, it will not be automatically reduced to a misdemeanor. A petition must be filed with the court, asking the judge to modify the existing sentence.

If you have any questions about how Prop. 47 may affect you or someone you know, please feel free to give us a call at 661-334-3000.

If you would like to read the proposition in its entirety, click on this link: Prop. 47
