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A Realistic Look at the Costs of a DUI

Campbell Whitten: The Top Bakersfield DUI Attorneys

In the state of California, drinking and driving is considered a major public health issue which impacts individuals as well as the communities they reside in. Because driving under the influence (DUI) can result in catastrophic loss of life or injury to personal or public property, California has imposed a number of costs onto the criminal and civil proceedings. These costs can differ depending on the specific circumstances of an individual’s suspected DUI case. The consequences of being stopped for drinking and driving can result in serious repercussions.

It is never a safe or smart choice to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol, using drugs or otherwise being in a compromised mental or physical state. Driving under the influence threatens life and could result in tremendous costs which impact just about every aspect of a person’s life.

Typical California DUI Costs:

  • Court Fine - a DUI Charge typically results in a minimum of a $2000 fine.

  • Alcohol Awareness Training - a DUI charge typically results in the need to take a 3 month course which costs a minimum of $600.

  • DMV License Reinstatement Fee - a DUI charge typically results in the need to pay a minimum of $180 to have an individual driver’s license reinstated

In all, $2,780 is the MINIMUM a DUI charge will cost in the state of California.

Other Potential DUI Costs

  • Insurance Premiums - Your insurance rates could go up if you are convicted of a DUI charge.

  • Attorney Fees - Defending a DUI charge could result in fees to a legal expert, whether you win or lose your case.

  • Accident Fees - If you damaged personal or public property, you could face fees to repay the damages you caused.

  • Miscellaneous Fees - Depending on the circumstances of your case, many other fees could be levied against you for things such as towing or storing your car or installing DUI maintenance hardware on your vehicle.

You Need the Right Bakersfield DUI Lawyer

If you are facing a DUI charge, you need to contact Campbell Whitten today!