Bakersfield Arson Defense Attorney
What are the different types of arson charges and penalties?
Arson is charged as a felony offense in California. The charges and penalties you will face for this type of crime will depend greatly on the type of property and whether or not bodily harm was caused to another. If you have been charged with arson, you may be wondering how to find a criminal attorney in Bakersfield who can defend you against such a serious charge.
At Campbell Whitten, our practice is focused on criminal defense and providing hard-hitting representation for those individuals who have been accused of violating the law.
Our lawyers are extremely passionate about our work. We are aggressive advocates for our clients' rights and can be counted upon to stop at nothing to see their liberties protected. According to the California Penal Code, there are many different types of arson charges and penalties an individual could face. Arson which causes serious bodily harm is punishable by up to 9 years in prison. Arson of an inhabited structure is punishable by up to 8 years in prison, while arson of forest land or structures will be punished with no more than 6 years in prison.
Individuals who willfully and maliciously set fire and burn their own property or the property of another person could face up to 3 years in prison. Those who retain the legal services of a Bakersfield criminal defense lawyer at our firm to fight arson charges will benefit from our years of experience, the personalized representation we provide and an unwavering commitment to justice.
When strategizing for your defense, you want our legal team in your corner as we get results.
Benefits of Working with the Team at Campbell Whitten
For the prosecution to win their case against you, they will be required to prove you set fire to the building, structure, land or property and that you willfully and maliciously intended to do so. If we can establish reasonable doubt or provide conclusive evidence to show the fire was set by accident, the accusations against you are unfounded or another individual is responsible for the fire, you should be able to avoid the serious charges that go along with a felony conviction.
Our attorneys have no question as to the severity of this crime. We understand the risk you face and are well aware of the strategies which can be successfully used in your defense. Helping you receive a reduction in charges or a complete dismissal of all charges is what our attorneys will work diligently to achieve. If you need help fighting arson charges, we advise you waste no time in hiring a Bakersfield arson lawyer from our firm.
With our assistance, you will not have to face this fight alone. Pick up the phone and call us today at (661) 771-3077.